Many people sleep with their lights on because some do not know the significance of turning them off or they are just too scared to sleep in the dark. It is therefore wise to train your kids to sleep with the lights off from a young age.
If you are one of those people, Healthline and Sleep Foundation suggests these tips that might help you realise just how beneficial sleeping with your lights off can be.
Helps reduce eye strain
According to SleepFoundation- a go-to source for trustworthy sleep information– sleeping with the lights on can temper with your sleep as constant light exposure can strain your eyes. Turning off the lights can help give your eyes a rest and help them recover.
Promotes better sleep
The between sleeping in the dark and better-quality sleep is that when you sleep in the dark, your body is likely to release a hormone called melatonin that promotes seep which leads to deeper and more rest, says Healthline- health publication with medical experts.
Helps you to feel relaxed
The above-mentioned source says that sleeping with the lights off helps your body to relax and prepare for sleep. Light exposure can stimulate the brain and make it hard to fall asleep which can lead to stressful night.
Regulates circadian rhythm
According to Healthline, the circadian rhythm is the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle so light exposure can have an impact on the cycle which can be helped by sleeping in the dark. This can better the restfulness sleep and a better overall well-being.
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