When to go for colon cancer screening Talking about colon cancer screening isn’t exactly a dinner table conversation, but it should be s...
A weighty issue: How systemic change can reshape SA’s obesity crisis One of the defining consumer trends of the 21st Century is the pursuit of healthy living. Yet, the W...
Reproductive health: Understanding bladder endometriosis Endometriosis is already a tough condition to deal with, but when it affects the bladder, it brings ...
World Hearing Day: Tips to taking care of your ear health Our ears do a lot for us—helping us enjoy music, stay balanced, and, of course, eavesdrop on juicy...
World Birth Defects Day: Understanding and embracing differently abled babies Every baby is unique, but some little ones enter the world facing extra challenges that require love...
Tips to regulate your blood pressure High blood pressure has a sneaky way of creeping up, often without any obvious symptoms, until one d...
Pregnancy and anaemia: The dangers, the signs, and the solutions World Anaemia Day (February 13) and South Africa’s Pregnancy Awareness Week (February 10-16) both ...
Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Month: Every tiny heartbeat matters When we think of heart disease, we often picture an older person clutching their chest — but what ...
Tips to prevent premature heart ageing Your heart works tirelessly to keep you going every day —so the least you can do is show it some l...
World Cancer Day: What’s standing in the way of blood cancer survival In South Africa, one in 15 deaths among those under 75 is caused by cancer, with blood cancer –...
Is your birth control increasing your risk of brain tumour? The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has advised that the product informa...
Weight loss or vision loss? The surprising side effects of Ozempic Ozempic has made headlines as a go-to medication for managing diabetes and aiding weight loss, but i...