How to get an advanced driver’s licence

Undertaking an advanced drivers course is one of the best and most profitable investments any driver can make. It’s life saving because it will equip you with the necessary skills that can help you prevent a car crash despite the reckless actions of other road users in all weather and road conditions.

You will learn car crash prevention techniques. These include the right following distances, how to adjust your speed in different weather conditions, sharing the road with other road users in traffic and it will improve your ability to react quicker and safer.

So how does one get  this licence? We spoke to Eugene Herbert, the MD of MasterDrive – an advanced driver training company – to find out.

1.How does someone apply for an advanced driver’s licence?

We need to remember that becoming an advanced driver is not about going through a legislated process. This is something that someone consciously makes the decision to do (a person or a company on behalf of its employees) by enrolling on a course which is designed to improve or upgrade the standard of driving way beyond that of simply getting the piece of paper entitling one to drive.

Also there are levels, but the one that is most beneficial is that of defensive driving which is defined as: drive so as to prevent a collision despite the incorrect actions of other road users in all roads, weather and traffic conditions.

2. Who qualifies for a defensive driving course?

A course such as this is open to anyone who has a drivers licence and who aspires to improve their driving skills. There are courses for passenger vehicle drivers, heavy truck and bus drivers. There are also courses for those who love driving or wish to learn how to drive their performance vehicles in a safe environment.


3. What are the benefits of having one?

Some insurance companies incentivize advanced drivers by offering them a discount on their policies. The true benefits come from the skill that the driver acquires which then contributes to minimizing the likelihood of being involved in a crash.

In addition to the above benefits, there are economic and environmental savings associated with advanced driving. You will learn how to drive in a way which saves fuel and which consequently has less impact on the environment. You will also learn to drive more smoothly which will reduce wear and tear vehicle costs like tyre replacement expenses. That combined with the added benefits of improved fuel economy (eco driving) plus reduced vehicle costs such as tyres.

4. How much does the course cost and how does someone enroll?

Cost start from as little as R1,200 per person for a Defensive Driving Course to as high as R80,000 if one wants to become an accredited instructor. With that said, private individuals can benefit from our CSI program which, if paid for by themselves, benefit from a 40% discount of the Defensive Driving Course. The process is simple, they can visit our website to enroll.

5. Where does training take place and for how long?

Training consists of theory and practical. The theory takes place at our office (or if the group is big enough) at outside premises. This is followed by intensive on-road coaching (one on one) during which all the theory is applied in real world driving. Typically the candidate is then tested 3 – 4 weeks later in order to be certified as competent.

There is also a University of Johannesburg (UJ) course that participants can enroll in and get their accreditation.

6. Final words?

We make average drivers good and make good drivers great. There is room for all.