7 signs of ADHD in men

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition. It is often overlooked, and if ignored, can badly affect your chances of success at work and in relationships. Most men with this condition are unaware, but the effects are mostly felt by their loved ones.

According to Dr Rykie Liebenberg, a psychiatrist at Sandton Medi-Clinic, around 90% of men with undiagnosed ADHD may show symptoms of aggression. This makes the diagnosis of this condition important. He shares the following signs to help you determine whether you should visit a healthcare professional for a conclusive evaluation:

1.If you are aggressive and get easily disturbed.

2.You are addicted to smoking, pornography and gambling.

3.You are struggling to control your emotions.

4.Impulsive both at work and at home, often walking out of jobs and relationships when you get bored or disheartened.

5.Easily forgetful; for example, forgetting to pick up your children from school.

6.If you can’t sit still, and are a workaholic or extreme sportsman who never taking breaks.

7.You always disturb colleagues at work.

If you have some of these symptoms, visit a healthcare professional for a diagnosis and a holistic treatment plan. For more information on ADHD, visit the MyADHD website or Facebook page. To speak to a specialist, call the South African Depression and Anxiety Group ADHD helpline on 0800 55 44 33.