6 tips to help you save money on data usage

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Did you know that you can still use your favourite apps such as YouTube and Instagram on your phone without depleting too much data usage? Well contrary to popular belief, you actually can. We recently caught up with the Executive Head for Communications at Cell C, Karin Fourie to find out how.

1.On your mobile device you can select settings and then data usage to check exactly which apps are consuming data. There are also apps such as Onavo Count and My Data Manager which can help you monitor your usage.

2. Turn off automatic updates on apps or set them to only run on WiFi.

3. Make sure that apps like Weather Services, YouTube and other video sites are turned off unless you are using them. It’s advised to access them with WiFi rather.

4. Set personal limits of how much data you want to use. This can be done via the mobile data usage settings.

5. If you are heading overseas it’s better to purchase a data SIM card in the country you are visiting to save money. Most international airports, hotels and public places have WiFi access points which can help also help to cut down on costs.

6. Measure the amount of data you use per month and purchase it once off. It will costs less compared to replenishing it every so often during the month as it runs out.