Things To Know About Your 20s

Being in your twenties can be scary and intimidating – these are the years where you begin to form an ideal of yourself. Some may find their twenties full of confusion. This is not uncommon, but keep in mind that even though you have more than two decades of life experience, you still have a lot to learn. Twenties are the perfect age to start experimenting with your style, personality, career, lifestyle, you name it. So ease down on the pressure and take note of these lessons.


Nothing is forever

As you keep changing and morphing into the person you will eventually settle into, you may lose a few people with whom you had meaningful relationships with. This is okay. At this stage, change is something you need to embrace – you will learn more and more about yourself in the process.

Money is an issue

As you make your debut into the world of adulthood, you become more aware of the way you spend your money. The shock of being excluded from the family Medical Aid and having to pay bills for your electricity, water and rent can take its toll on your budget. This is when you finally understand what you parents meant when they said “I dont have money”, even on payday!

Some people won’t like you

When you are really young and naive, you will find yourself trying to fit in with the coolest crowds and wanting to be liked by all the people in your circle. This is an unrealistic expectation in your twenties. As you become more aware of yourself and express your opinions, you might ruffle some feathers. Do not let this discourage you as it is perfectly normal and shows that you stand for what you believe in and can defend your views.

You’re going to make mistakes

We live in a world of diversity and there is no sure way to live your life. Ditch the “How-to” books because nobody can tell you how to live your life. You have a unique set of problems and issues; sometimes you will fall, make an incorrect judgement about something or even make what you think to be the biggest mistake of your life – mistakes are fine. Learn from them, forgive yourself and move on. No matter how bad, never hold regrets, you’ll be laughing about it years down the line.

Prince Charming does not exist

Being in your twenites, you may tend to feel the intensity of emotion in a relationship more than the average person. But keep in mind that the person you eventually end up with, does not have to be perfect. In fact, most mature relationships are based on a tolerance and accpetance for the irritating habits of the other person. Unless you want to be on your own forever, stop looking for the perfect man and instead, look for the one who fits your lifestyle but still makes you feel like a queen.