There’s a famous saying that says “No man is an island”, it simply means you can never exist alone, in life, you need relationships and connections with other people to live. We create these relationships, we make friends and companions, however, they don’t always go well.
People are different and they will always have contrasting opinions about everything regarding your friends, however, what happens when a friendship gets broken? How do you know if it’s worth fixing and how do you go about rekindling it?
Another well-known saying advises that people should never burn bridges, which means that in whatever situation or relationship that you choose to walk away from, make sure that you do it peacefully and not in a nasty way that will prevent you from benefiting from the other person again, because to be honest, we will always need people at some point in life, even the ones that we thought we would never.
A few relevant publications advise on how to restore broken relationships with friends. The Symbis Assessment publication states to repair a fractured friendship, you need to first determine if it’s worth repairing, and if the cost is too high, break the friendship.
If the friendship has meaningful qualities, make meaningful contact to resolve any issues. “Forgiveness puts an end to all. You have to set your pride aside and try to see the perspective from all sides. The problems that plague a friendship are rarely 100% one person’s fault. If you keep this in mind, you will be well on your way to forgiveness, rather than balancing the score.”
According to Huff Post, when dealing with a falling out or broken friendship, it’s crucial to openly discuss the issue without expecting a certain outcome. The publication believes that it’s important to allow your friend to express themselves and listen attentively and then after cleaning up the relationship, create an action plan for moving forward. “This is the time to be honest and let your friend know if there are specific things that drive you crazy and ask them the same. The goal is to make the relationship better for both of you so that you can move forward healthily.”