In life, there are those people who will always spend their energy trying to put you down for whatever reason. Whether they are direct insults to you via social media or through other people or they are brave enough to tell it to your face, you don’t have to stoop to their level at any given time.
An effective tactic is remaining calm and not letting what is being said get to you, that way you can construct a powerful comeback that is both civilised and also stings.
Have a look at a few ways you can handle insults without losing your dignity, as suggested by different psychological experts.
Don’t take it in: Dr Krysti Vo, a psychiatrist and behavioural therapist of the Vo.Care publication states that it’s critical to understand that insults are outside of yourself, they are only opinions of others, over which you have no control. She therefore suggests that when you are insulted, remember that even if you are Mother Teresa or Mahatma Gandhi, you are globally known for good things only, people will still say bad stuff about you. So, instead of allowing yourself to be bothered, “remain true to yourself and respond to insults with rationality rather than emotional reaction.”
Remain composed and snarky: According to the Bright Side publication, it’s much easier to ignore someone insulting you, but there are times when you need to respond. The publication claims that you may pull that off by coming up with a witty and sardonic response that offends the other person. “You don’t need to use equally hurtful words, but a witty clap-back will do the job and make the other person realise that you are no punching bag.”
Accept a portion of their critique: The publication mentioned above explains that it’s possible that the other person is trying to point out something wrong in you rather than having a bad attitude towards you. “Their intentions might be good, but they simply don’t know the right way to express their feelings.” It is said that you can acknowledge some of their criticism in this situation, but you should also let them know that their statement could have been communicated much better.
Confront the insult: “People who insult others either don’t realize that they’re being rude, or they don’t expect to be confronted about it,” states Bright Side. Therefore, it is suggested that you make them explain themselves or apologise to you by telling them straight out that their actions are impolite and judgmental. The above source claims that this is an effective method to demand respect and make it plain that you won’t accept anything less from others.
Respond with humour: A suggestion by the Psychology Today publication is that when receiving an insult, responding with humour weakens the insulting person and their insult, wins over any third parties and lessens the tension of the situation.
Also see: Ways to boost your confidence as an adult