Health writer Keletso Modisakeng, caught up with one of the UK`s leading fitness trainers, Terroll Lewis aka Boost who is the founder of BlockWorkout. The international fitness superstar started off in London and Trace Sport Stars has now brought the show to South Africa. We sat down to hear his views and tales on fitness.
When I started off, I could not afford gym like a lot of people so I started working out in the park. I was motivated to get fit and keep healthy. I started off alone, but I soon had 20 people who joined me all because I loaded videos onto Youtube. At first, people thought I was weird using a kid`s play ground to try and build muscle, but they eventually joined in.
I am not a believer in protein shakes. I believe in feeding your body energy from natural resources. Our forefathers survived on natural resources for energy and most of the work they did was physical, so I believe we should try and do the same thing. The earth will always provide and so I use natural ingredients in my kitchen.
Protein Shake Ingredients To Make At Home (blend)
- 2 Bananas
- 4 raw Eggs
- Honey
I eat a healthy diet that includes carbohydrates, protein and vegetables from Monday to Friday. I break my diet over the weekend. I find its better to eat six small meals a day to help keep energy levels high instead of three larges meals a day.
I have learnt that your mind and body are powerful and will always do well as long as you push hard. Always change your routine because once your body gets used to your workout it won’t have any effect on your body. I work out for 50 minutes but I don’t stop there. I walk as much as possible a day, I believe we should always stay busy to help burn fat.
I work out as much in Winter as I do during the Summer months; I believe that you should challenge yourself. The temperature should not slow you down from your goal. I also eat more proteins and carbohydrates in Winter.
A small start is all you need as long as you stay motivated. Start off with a routine and once your body gets used to it, increase the fitness challenge.
Catch BlockWorkout on Trace Sport Stars (DStv channel 188) on Wednesday at 7:30pm