Exercising is important for maintaining health and fitness, but working out close to bedtime can do more harm than good. Read on to know more.
Exercise helps you build endurance, condition your body, control your weight, and maintain your composure, all of which are beneficial to your general health and wellbeing. Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress; in fact, according to studies from Harvard Medical School, it lowers levels of stress chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline in the body.
In addition to the apparent advantages of regular exercise, the frequency and duration of your workouts have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing. The quantity and quality of sleep may be impacted by late-night exercise. According to a study in Sleep Medicine Reviews, exerting yourself with short bursts of intense exercise before bed will affect the quality of your sleep.
According to E times entertainment/health here is why you should not exercise before going to bed:
Boosts nervous system activity
It may take some time for the heartbeat to return to normal after an intense workout because it can stimulate the neurological system. Your sleep is also disturbed by this. Running, swimming, cycling, and heavy weightlifting are a few intensive exercises.
Since the neurological system is essential for hand-legs-eye synchronisation, it needs time to rest. When the nervous system is working overtime, it can cause the body to shake and wobble, which can cause pain in the muscles and disrupt sleep.
Reduced muscle growth
Your muscles rip and tear when you work out hard. The best way to keep muscles healthy and promote their growth is to rest. Exercise right before bed can interfere with your sleep, which can interfere with the process of building muscle.
Increased alertness
Exercise causes the adrenal gland to become active and release epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. The heart is sent into high gear as a result, raising heart rate. Additionally, this increases the muscles’ blood flow and oxygen levels. Your sleep is disturbed as a result of all this.
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