The Daniel Fast is a fast that people tend to follow during the first few months of the year. This is done to cleanse their systems and make their bodies and spirit feel lighter and rejuvenated from all the events and food consumption indulged during the past year.
What is the Daniel Fast
According to Healthline – an American health focused website – this diet is “based on a story from the biblical Book of Daniel.”
Some label this diet life changing, while other lean towards it for multiple reasons such as to strengthen their faith and obtain a greater understanding of their purpose and goals for the upcoming year. This fast is prominently known as a biblical fast with the purpose of restraining from certain foods to humble ones soul and to seek God’s divine intervention.
The fast, however, is not only limited for spiritual reasons and may be joined by anyone willing to begin the new year on reset mode.
How long is the Daniel Fast
The fast is often a personal reason as some tend to comply for 10 days while the longest period has been 21 or 30 days. The purpose is to consume foods that are naturally grown in their purest form.
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Foods to avoid consuming during this fast
- Meat
- Diary
- Sugar
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Fried food
- Processed food
It is important that all foods with additives, preservatives and sweeteners be avoided.
Foods you may consume during the fast
- Vegetables
- Whole grains
- Nuts and seeds
- Legumes
- Beans
Herbs, spices, and seasonings such as salt and pepper are allowed. Water is the only beverage that may be consumed followed by homemade juices and smoothies.
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During this fast, it is expected that you pray and start off each day with a biblical verse. Those who have joined have also taken their time to journal aspirations they would like to obtain during the course of the year and document their achievements. For such reasons, the efforts and the results of your sacrifices and remaining disciplined through the duration of the fast will reap fruitful benefits.
Note that there are many ways to do the Daniel Fast that cater for all individuals based on various factors.
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