An apple a day…

Apples are more than just a quick snack. Ntwenhle Gcabashe shares their other uses as well as ways to store them.

Picture: Andrea Caldwell

1. Pink Lady apples are white to pale yellow in colour. They provide great taste, whether peeled or not. They can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator for 8 to 15 days. However, if refrigerated, they must be taken out an hour before use for the best flavour. Pink Lady apples can be enjoyed raw, in salads and with any cheese.

2. Granny Smith apples have a white to light greenish colour. They have the longest lifespan of between 20 to 25 days and take long to turn brown when cut because of their acid content. The more they are kept in storage, the more the acid matures, which then balances the flavour. They are rich in vitamin C and often used in juices, soups and added to savoury stuffing.

3. Paradis Sparkling apples are irregularly striped, with a red base colour. They have a soft and crunchy texture, and a fizzy taste, which is both acidic and sweet. They contain vitamin C and are low in calories. They are best enjoyed fresh – eaten as they are or in a salad. To make sure that they don’t bruise, store them in the refrigerator.

4. Canned baby apples are tiny versions of regular-sized apples. They are perfect for decorating or garnishing, making good sweet dishes such as a fruit salad. They have the same nutritional value as other apples, are rich in vitamin C and provide a good source of fibre.

5. Braeburn apples have red and orange stripes. They are bittersweet, and suitable for making tarts and pies as they maintain their shape. Store at room temperature for 14 days.

6. Golden Delicious apples have a pale green to golden yellow colour with a fine, smooth skin. They are rich, sweet and crisp, and don’t lose their shape when cooked.  These apples are great in salads, for baking, and making jam or sauces. They are low in calories and a good source of fibre and regulating blood sugar. They can be stored for seven to fourteen days at room temperature.