Done with a practitioner or on your own, facial massage is a technique that stimulates pressure points on the face, neck, and shoulders.
According to Healthline, lotions, oils, cleansing balms with facial massages, face rollers or a flat gua sha tool can be used to massage your face.
The publication also lists the following reasons why you should start massaging your face:
Manages scar tissue
Massaging facial scars that are in the healing process as well as the surrounding areas may help increase blood flow, loosen up nearby tissues, and flatten bumps.
Reduces acne
By stimulating the skin through massages, blood circulation can be promoted while the appearance of acne can be reduced. Although, specific research providing evidence of facial massage in improving acne is limited.
Improves overall appearance of skin
One of the top benefits of massaging your face is the improved overall appearance of the skin. “A small 2017 study examined the effectiveness of facial massage that included a stimulating massage device,” notes Healthline. The participants of the study used an anti-ageing device and cream on their face and neck for 8 weeks. When used with the facial massage, the effects of the cream were enhanced, and there were improvements in wrinkles, skin sagging, and texture.
Increases blood flow
Facial massages – with a roller – has a positive effect on skin blood flow. A 2018 study showed that people who had five-minute facials using a roller had increased blood flow to the area for at least 10 minutes after the massage. Blood flow response to heat significantly improved after five weeks of massages.
Can relieve sinus issues
As long as it’s not an infectious case or during an acute stage of sinusitis, you can use massage to relieve sinus pressure, discomfort, and congestion,” explains the above-mentioned publication. Sinus massages can also assist in promoting the drainage of mucus, alleviating headaches, and boosting circulation.
Also see: Tips on how to lighten acne scars